Safeguarding during School Closures due to the Corona Outbreak – Teacher Advice

Safeguarding during School Closures due to the Corona Outbreak

Schools are closing but schools’ safeguarding responsibilities will continue during home-based schooling and your school policy may not cover the use of home networks.   With most schools embracing E-Learning to continue supporting their children’s education, it’s time to think about this issue.  Here are some ideas to help:

Advice for Teachers

Using webcams in home-based lessons raises a number of issues not normally arising in school.  We recommend you establish guidelines for students and their families including:

  • A code of conduct for attendance at lessons and any sanctions for breach.
  • Appropriate dress code for students and others in the space where the lesson is delivered.
  • Appropriate language and behaviour for students and others nearby.
  • Preventing students (and others) from taking or sharing unauthorised screenshots from lessons.
  • Protecting the copyright of any material used in lessons.

Teachers also need to think carefully about their use of webcams:

  • If delivering lessons from home, be aware of material that may be visible in the background.  Avoid revealing personal teacher information or other sensitive data.
  • Ensure that all teachers delivering virtual lessons log out at the end of the session and are not left online alone with only one student.
  • As you would normally do in school, be aware of any warning signs that a child may be at risk, particularly in this new stressful environment.

Think about data security guidelines for staff working at home:

  • Ensure computers are stored securely, out of view and shut down every night.
  • Keep anti-virus software up to date.
  • Install latest software updates promptly.
  • Close laptop lids when temporarily not in use.
  • If others are in the room, protect any sensitive data that you might have on your screen.
  • Ensure your passwords are strong and only known by you.
  • Beware of scams – fraudsters have been quick to take advantage of the latest crisis


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