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Gooseberry CPD

Gooseberry CPD comprises two E-Learning Programmes for school staff covering Safeguarding and Prevent training. Both are available on annual licences.

Staff can access the training in their own time and at their own pace, via accessible modules, each followed by a short assessment, (parts of which are scenario-based), to check understanding. They may re-visit the modules as often as they wish to improve or refresh their knowledge.

The CPD are updated annually. They provide easy access on mobile devices or PCs and include links to a range of related documents.

View all the staff results

Results are recorded automatically online and enable the designated safeguarding leads or Head Teacher to check that training has been completed and identify any areas of weakness. On completion, staff obtain a certificate confirming they have passed. A refresher quiz becomes available three months after the main training has been completed.

Scenario based learning

Small, accessible modules

Evidence based results

Download the Gooseberry CPD app

The Gooseberry CPD app includes all the learning material, practice questions, and module questions for both the Safeguarding and Prevent courses enabling an easy learning opportunity for students of the courses who prefer to use a mobile option.

Available on the app stores.

Revisit the E- Learning programme at any time.

Easy to access on the go.

Gooseberry Safeguarding CPD

Gooseberry Safeguarding CPD is an E-learning programme, based on Part 1 and Annex B of Keeping Children Safe in Education, statutory guidance for schools and colleges in England. The content is updated annually and is approved by the National Association of Head Teachers.

The CPD is accessible on a range of devices either via our website or an App. Modules 1-8 are designed for all school staff, whatever their role. Additional content for school leaders and those who work directly with children, is addressed in Modules 9-13. Each module is followed by questions to test understanding and a certificate is available on successful completion. Users can dip in and out at any time, making it the perfect resource for busy teachers to complete at their own pace and to revisit in times of need. It covers all the required statutory content as well as relevant statistics and easy to access extra documentation. Users are invited to review their learning with further questions 3 months after completion. DSL’s can track staff progress and receive feedback on their training.

Gooseberry Prevent CPD

In partnership with a highly respected Prevent practitioner and subject matter expert, Gooseberry Planet have developed a comprehensive, E-learning CPD for schools on their duty to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. It is available on a range of devices either via our website or an App and has been approved by the National Association of Head Teachers. The Prevent CPD is updated annually and includes the latest Home Office Prevent and Channel figures which highlight the essential role that education plays in safeguarding young people from radicalisation.

There are 8 modules, each followed by a short assessment to check understanding. Case studies involving different types of extremism (based on real-life Prevent referrals) are incorporated to enhance users’ understanding and practice. Relevant additional documentation is easily accessible in interactive footnotes. Users receive a certificate on successful completion of the course. They can revisit the content at any time and are invited to review their learning with further questions, three months after completion. DSL’s can track staff progress and receive feedback on their learning.

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