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Gooseberry Guru

Gooseberry Guru supports heads, governors and safeguarding leads to meet their responsibilities for online safety training in an easy to access and flexible way.
It provides in-depth and up-to-date knowledge about a wide range of online safety issues, delivered regularly throughout the year via videos and workshops. It enables Gurus to understand online risks in detail and to disseminate their knowledge to staff, parents and pupils. It saves hours of preparation time and gives flexibility to adapt resources to meet schools’ individual needs.

Who are Gooseberry Gurus?
The designated safeguarding lead or e-safety lead would be a typical choice to be nominated as the Gooseberry Guru, but it could be any member of staff who has the skills effectively to share information with others.

Benefits to your school of becoming a Gooseberry Guru

Help fulfil your safeguarding obligations.

Regular advice throughout the year.

Save time with ready-made resources including monthly videos on topical issues plus a wealth of other advice.

Save money! Termly parent and teacher webinars - No need to pay outside speakers.

Flexibility! Use “live” or pre-recorded webinars or adapt the content for your own school audience and deliver in your own style, at times convenient to you.

Expert and up to Date. Keep staff well-informed on current issues and better able to safeguard pupils.

Evidence for inspections.

Unique Learning Experience

Features interactive, digital quizzes, workbooks and games that progressively build new skills and strategies.

A Comprehensive E-Safety Toolkit

Ready-made, scenario-based lesson plans accompanied by slide decks, background information, automatic marking and in-depth results.

Demonstrates a Whole School Approach

Parent advice linked to each lesson helps to demonstrate your school’s integrated approach to e-safety to Ofsted, governors and parents.

Stay Up-to-Date

Regular alerts, newsletters and updated content help you to stay at the forefront of e-safety developments.

Embed Learning with an Ongoing Course

Ensure that learning is embedded by delivering regular lessons throughout the year.

Comprehensive Results

Identify vulnerabilities and prove compliance with statutory obligations with detailed online results for each child.
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